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Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli, Karnataka, India

*Corresponding author: S. Y. Mulkipatil, Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli, Karnataka, India.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, transform, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

How to cite this article: Mulkipatil SY. Editorial. Karnataka Med J. 2023;46:1-2. doi: 10.25259/KMJ_6_2023

Indian Medical Association is the only representative voluntary organisation of Doctors of Modern Scientific System of Medicine, which looks after the interest of doctors as well as the well-being of the community at large

The association was started in 1928 at Calcutta with objectives – Promotion and Advancement of the Medical and allied sciences in all their different branches by involving in academic and research activities.

The improvement of public Health and Medical Education in India.

The maintenance of honour and dignity of the medical profession.

However, many of the doctors working in rural setup, in spite of having been exposed to a large amount of clinical material, we are still lagging behind in recording it and bringing that to a scientific touch due to lack of time or lack of exposure regarding how to make it an article? Publishing an article in an academic journal can be a frustrating process that demands a substantial commitment of time and hard work. Nevertheless, establishing a record of publication is essential if you intend to pursue a career as an academic or scientific researcher. The quest for knowledge through systematic and scientific ways on a specified topic, aimed at discovery and interpretation of new knowledge.

How to know the knowledge? These are few ways to know it.

  1. Methods of tenacity/tradition/customs/superstition/magic/mystery Truth is true because one believes it even in front of contradicting evidence

  2. Method of authority – Religion Truth is true because an authority says so

  3. Method of intuition: Philosophy, truth is true because it is logical. It derives from reasoning but does not bear empirical support.

  4. Method of science.

Science is a method of seeking truth. This method only accounts for solvable problems that have empirical solutions based on observable events.

Here comes the importance of getting involved in the process of knowing scientifically and letting people understand by making the knowledge into articles.

How to make the your material into scientific article is by knowing the briefly about Research process, which has few steps like –

  • Formulating the research problem

  • Extensive literature review

  • Developing the aims and objectives

  • Preparing the research design including sample design

  • Data collection and data analysis

  • Report interpretation.

If everyone in the medical fraternity knows this, we can dominate in the field of medical science with evidence. This is an evidence based era, the world listens to you, if you have content.

Research also helps in making policies in treating diseases.

It is the need of the hour; we have to focus on academic and scientific forums to our members by means of having our own journal: Karnataka Medical Journal (KMJ). KMJ was almost stopped for a decade or more due to various reasons. I must thank Past President Indian Medical Association (IMA) Karnataka State Branch (KSB) Dr. Suresh Kudva for having trust on me and initiating the thought process to restart KMJ. I am thankful to the Present President Dr. S. B. Lakkol for giving the required help to begin the journey of KMJ. I also extend the present advisory committee and Editorial board without their help it is not possible to make it.

I am very much ambitious about not only just beginning the journal but also taking it to the newer horizon and making it as International Peer reviewed Indexed Journal, for that my sincere request to contribute your scientific knowledge in the form of article and promote others to do so, then only it is possible to bring a desired change in the scientific forum. Lastly I thank our publisher Scientific for giving shape to our ideas.

Dr. S. Y. Mulkipatil

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